Email and Internet Usage Policy applied during new employee induction.

Dear Valued Employee,

We are grateful and fortunate you decided to come work for The Company! And I would like to be one of the first to welcome to our Radio Team! As you may have seen on the post it note attached to your monitor, I have provided the temporary password to your email account.

After your initial log in, you will be prompted to renew your password. We appreciate your cooperation in these simple guidelines:

  • Do not send your password over any email.
  • Do not save your password on any unencrypted digital file.
  • When choosing a new password, please use a phrase with at least 3 words and 25 characters. (Favorite Song Lyrics are an easy to remember solution.)

These password guidelines are constructed with the safety and security of our employees in mind. If there is a breach in data, we could be fined upwards of 30,000 and, excepting extenuating circumstances, forced to fire the responsible party to recuperate the financial losses. Only by using a difficult to crack, difficult to guess password can we prevent subterfuge, and protect the safety and security of our employees. If there is an instance of employee impersonation that results in an infiltration, or the exposure of the private information of one of our valued employees, we may be forced to fire the responsible party.

Please feel free to use your work email and our company internet for personal use, except in instances that may be considered inappropriate for our Radio Image. Which is pretty much:

  • Personal ads on public forums, like CraigsList.
  • Fraudulent representation of your position within the company.
  • Or falsely representing the positions and opinions of the company.

We understand the internet is a utility, and it is difficult to navigate the social fabric of the 21st century in it’s absence. As we want all of our employees healthy, happy, and whole, we are pleased to provide internet access from our offices. But as we are first and foremost a place of business, we are obligated to remind you that free use of our internet is a privilege, not a right, and if you are inhibiting progress, or violating the aforementioned internet policy, we reserve the right to prohibit internet access to any violator of internet policy. If the employee is found unable to perform their professional function without the use of the internet, they may be subject to termination. So please, keep it together people.

These email use guidelines are constructed with the legitimate and professional image of the company in mind. Any private personal use of your secure email account is encouraged, as we want to provide a particular peace of mind and convenience of our valued employees, but cheapening and eroding our company image with solicitation, or falsely representing and actively undermining the purposes of our image could result in a loss of business or reputation. Any employee considered responsible for tarnishing the reputation we as a company work to protect and preserve may be subject to termination.

For this reason, we encourage using your email and our internet for private purposes, as to incentivize the preservation of our Radio Image.

As we at The Company! strive to provide a prosperous and secure working environment, we also aspire to provide a safe and prosperous cyber environment, so behind our nuanced and dynamic firewall, and our software protected end stations, we encourage you to do the browsing you need to for an enriched and prosperous life, in the hopes that your positive attitude will reflect in your work, and inspire an overall positive and prosperous work environment. And anyone in suspicion of undermining the positive ethos of the company, could be subject to termination.

Thank you for your time, and again, Welcome to The Company!

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