I would like to discuss WPA3, the newest update to the Wireless Password Standard in 14 years.  A big instigator for the new WPA standard is the recent emergence of the Krack Wifi Vulnerability, which allows attackers to view or even augment your unencrypted WiFi traffic.  WPA3 will bolster traditionally “weak” password, allowing for easier … Read more

Wireless Security

What are the different credentials that you would seek? Why are these important to you and how would they support the organization’s security program. What are the security risks of not using wireless security protocols on your home network? Why do you think so many people don’t lock their home WiFi networks? Certified Ethical Hacker … Read more

Risk Removal

Why is it that risk cannot be completely removed? How low do you believe is an acceptable level of risk for an information security manager to accept and why? If an information security manager decides to accept a certain level of risk and a security breach occurs, should the information security manager be held personally … Read more

Policy Development

You are in charge of establishing a security policy committee at your place of employment. Who would you have on your security policy development team and why? Representative, and Author. The Author should be an experienced team member, and the representative should be a manager that is assigned culpability. The Author would compose the policy, … Read more

Making SETA Stick

security education training and awareness (SETA) 1) Explain what a functional information security program should look like? What are the internal and external factors that need to be considered when planning and staffing an information security program? Define the different roles associated with members of the information security program. How does project management come into … Read more

Legal v. Ethical

What is the difference between something being legal versus something being ethical? Can something be legal, but not ethical? How about visa versa? Give examples and explain your reasoning. How do the differing ethical models come into play? Hey guys. My name is Rob, and I am a network administrator here in Central Vermont. Most … Read more